Pamela’s Astrology Insight Now!
Astrology Insight Now!
Astrology Cancer New Moon

Astrology Cancer New Moon

Astrology for Week of July 1, 2024

The moon is in the sign of Cancer at this New Moon on July 5.

Look at my website: to find practices for a new moon if you don't already have them. At the New Moon we amplify the potential when we wish for things, with an emphasis on concrete intentions.

It’s best to focus on no more than 3 concrete things that you're absolutely going to pay attention to this lunar cycle. Those intentions can be anything, but when they align with the theme of the sign, there is extra momentum.

In the sign of Cancer, themes can be: how do you create home? What makes you feel safe? What's your sense of family? Are your needs being met? Do you take time to self-nurture?

This new moon is basically well aspected for spiritual foundation and a sense of regeneration.


Pamela’s Astrology Insight Now!
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Accurate astrology each week! Astrologer Pamela Cucinell calms overwhelm with her pragmatic optimism. Master Healer Suzy Meszoly offers guided activation meditation to support and inspire.