Pamela’s Astrology Insight Now!
Astrology Insight Now!
Gemini New Moon, June 2024

Gemini New Moon, June 2024

Astrology Week of June 3, 2024

This Gemini New Moon is juiced by Jupiter’s thirst for knowledge… What is it you want to know more of?

How do you reach out or have better relationships with neighbors, siblings and the people you encounter on a daily basis? Is there a way to shift that, explore deeper, change the expected dialogue? Would that widen your perspective or enrich your present moment?

Who are the players essential to your overall communications with family and your neighborhood routines? Is your interpersonal landscape changing or could it benefit from growth?

The New Moon cycle provides fresh starts for any endeavor, but these themes are strong at this time -if they speak to you.

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Pamela’s Astrology Insight Now!
Astrology Insight Now!
Accurate astrology each week! Astrologer Pamela Cucinell calms overwhelm with her pragmatic optimism. Master Healer Suzy Meszoly offers guided activation meditation to support and inspire.