Pamela’s Astrology Insight Now!
Astrology Insight Now!
Luckiest Day of the Year?

Luckiest Day of the Year?

Astrology Week of May 13, 2024

This waxing moon cycle offers a week when high revelatory energy can glean inspiration and even a moment of wow! It can range from something that grabs your attention as a brand new concept to an idea that simply makes you laugh with delight.

This week also has the Sun in exact alignment with Jupiter on May 18 at 2:45 PM ET. Many astrologers consider this the “luckiest day of the year”.

Well, it can be, but wherever Jupiter is magnifies — it becomes bigger. The reason it is considered lucky is because the sun is about self expression. It brings a lot of light around whatever the topic or area of life is. Look at where Taurus is in your horoscope— that indicates what is all lit up for you on this particular day.

It might be a very lucky day, or simply emphasize what is in that area of your life.

Pamela’s Astrology Insight Now!
Astrology Insight Now!
Accurate astrology each week! Astrologer Pamela Cucinell calms overwhelm with her pragmatic optimism. Master Healer Suzy Meszoly offers guided activation meditation to support and inspire.