Pamela’s Astrology Insight Now!
Astrology Insight Now!
Mars + Pluto in Astrology

Mars + Pluto in Astrology

Astrology Week of June 10, 2024

This week - those of us who are born with strong Mars and Pluto configurations in our horoscopes need to be self-aware… especially Mars oppose Pluto, or Mars square Pluto, or Mars conjunct Pluto. These are the hard or challenging aspects.

If you or someone around you has any of those natal configurations, these days can present pressure cooker energy.

So the best way to handle that, regardless of if you know what I'm talking about or you don't — is if you feel this within or notice someone around you is very frustrated or thwarted — then the last thing you want to do is add to that pressure.

It helps to work with whatever is in the way or around whatever is in the way — DO NOT force!

Force is the worst way to handle it.

Pluto is the higher octave of Mars.

Mars = libido, desire, assertion, aggression, anger.

Pluto = power, force. Think of the pressure exerted on carbon within the womb of the earth to create a diamond. Pluto is ultimate transformation.

And when the energies of Mars and Pluto are at odds with one another, we force things that don't want to be forced or cannot be forced. Unfortunately, people can hurt themselves or someone else because they are so convinced, driven or just blindsided that something must go a certain way.

Yet, sometimes you have to go around something or wait, or you have to rethink what you had wanted the outcome to be.

And that's the actual magic of the opening days of this week because change or the unexpected, presents possibility….

but ONLY when we are not insistent or focused on doing it one way.

Allow yourself adaptability. Remember to play and not take yourself too seriously.

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Pamela’s Astrology Insight Now!
Astrology Insight Now!
Accurate astrology each week! Astrologer Pamela Cucinell calms overwhelm with her pragmatic optimism. Master Healer Suzy Meszoly offers guided activation meditation to support and inspire.