Pamela’s Astrology Insight Now!
Astrology Insight Now!
Summer Solstice 2024 Astrology

Summer Solstice 2024 Astrology

Astrology Week of June 17, 2024, Capricorn Full Moon

The 2024 Summer Solstice on the 20th ET is exact at 4.51 p.m. when the sun enters the sign of Cancer. This Summer Solstice asks us to find appropriate partners for the necessary work to continue the Dream… no short changing.

We cannot fast forward.

That's why as this week opens, pay attention to your choices. It’s so important how we move towards the Full Moon, which happens the day after the Summer Solstice. Waxing moon time supplies the momentum: are we poised to to do the work, create the structure, stand up with and support the players and the causes that we truly believe in?

…or do we just want to flail our arms around and demand solutions without being part of the architecture that needs to be in place in order to make the Dream happen?

It's not an easy task… especially for those of us who do not consciously work for or believe in a Dream. As we move through 2024, we can expect more dissolving of inappropriate and unsustainable structures or systems.

Use this Summer Solstice to strengthen your personal foundation of belief in what you can do through Love… hear more on the podcast, or read the full transcript on the podcast page.


Pamela’s Astrology Insight Now!
Astrology Insight Now!
Accurate astrology each week! Astrologer Pamela Cucinell calms overwhelm with her pragmatic optimism. Master Healer Suzy Meszoly offers guided activation meditation to support and inspire.